The RS2 Hands Module is designed for comprehensive rehabilitation of the hands, wrists, forearms and elbows. The therapy is non-invasive and requires no effort on the part of the user. Connecting the RS2 Arms Module to the RS2 Base Device will allow you to carry out specialized medical vibrotherapy treatment, in the upper extremities, based on the latest medical knowledge of hand rehabilitation.
Appropriately designed vibration stimuli, provide stimulation of the skin, muscles, blood vessels and tendons. The therapy was aimed at activation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors, activation of the tonic vibratory reflex of muscle micro vessels, anti-oedema effects and stimulation of the endothelial surface of blood vessels, resulting in improved circulation in the hands. The program targets patients struggling with chronic hand ailments, including degenerative conditions (arthroses, joint degeneration, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, osteopenia) or neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease). Preventive and regenerative treatments (2-5 treatments per week) are recommended for people who work at the computer, play sports such as volleyball, basketball, tennis or golf. It is recommended for muscle pain and neuralgia in the area of hands and arms, spasticity, contractures and paresis (cerebral palsy, stroke, ataxia).
The adopted treatment position allows for comfortable rehabilitation even for people with significant mobility disabilities.