Our mission

is to help

We have been doing this since 1993

About us

We cannot promise you that we will eliminate pain and suffering completely. But we can promise that we will do everything in our power to ensure that everyone in Poland, Europe and the world has equal access to technology and solutions to help them reduce pain and recover faster. We have been doing this since 1993.

About us

We cannot promise you that we will eliminate pain and suffering completely. But we can promise that we will do everything in our power to ensure that everyone in Poland, Europe and the world has equal access to technology and solutions to help them reduce pain and recover faster. We have been doing this since 1993.

products sold
years of the brand

Who stands behind our success

97 per cent of the components come from Poland. I make sure to source as many parts as possible from local suppliers. I am constantly being persuaded to move production to the other side of the world, but I have been working with people for twenty-odd years. Within our 65-strong workforce, we are firmly friends with each other. This is our business together.

Jacek Sikora


Vitberg is primarily a manufacturer of medical devices for rehabilitation. Our mission is to make sure that every person in Poland, Europe and the world has equal access to technologies and solutions that allow them to reduce pain and a faster return to health and wellbeing.

See what Jacek thinks about all this

Jacek Sikora założyciel firmy Vitberg opowiada o historii, problemach, wyzwaniach jakie stoją przed całym zespołem i przy okazji o samej produkcji.

They wrote about us 

But the most important thing is user feedback

Warto z nami pracować

Szukamy fajnych ludzi, którzy mogliby się
spełnić pracując i pomagając innym.

Aktualnie poszukujemy:

  • magazyniera z doświadczeniem ...najlepiej ze znajomością języka niemieckiego :-)
  • fizjoterapeutów do prowadzenia Poradni Vitberg w całej Polsce
  • pracowników do obsługi platformy komunikacji z pacjentem- najlepiej po fizjoterapii :-)

Spotkajmy się!

Umów się na spotkanie z nami

