Oxy program for respiratory and musculoskeletal disorders

It increases the capacity of the respiratory system, improves ventilation, thus reducing shortness of breath and fatigue, including chronic fatigue.

How does it work?

Vibrotherapy facilitates the removal of lung secretions, promotes the process of proper ventilation and thus increases blood oxygenation. As a result, it relieves shortness of breath, shortness of breath and reduces fatigue.

When and for whom?

In hospitals, vibration affecting the respiratory system is used to facilitate expectoration of sputum and increase oxygenation. At home, people suffering from complications after COVID-19, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hoarseness or chronic fatigue, caused by hypoxia, among other conditions, can benefit from the treatments. The Oxy program is also indicated for those who experience shortness of breath.


Studies show that properly selected vibratory stimuli promote sputum expulsion, can improve blood circulation in the lungs, prevent venous stasis and relax respiratory muscles. Vibrotherapy has been indicated as a recommended rehabilitation method in the Ministry of Health’s Regulation of July 13, 2020 on the pilot program on therapeutic rehabilitation for post-COVID-19 recipients.

Benefits of vibrotherapy

No side effects

Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners

Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners

Long-lasting effects through systematic use

Choose the right product

We will help you select a set of modules that suits your conditions.

How vibration massage relieves respiratory infections

To understand how vibrotherapy helps respiratory infections, let’s look at what vibration actually is.

Vibration is a mechanical oscillation characterized by a periodic change in force and acceleration over time. During the vibrotherapy process, vibrations are transmitted from the vibration source (the vibrotherapy apparatus), to the resonator (the human body or part of it – in our case, the lungs).

Vibrotherapy is commonly achieved by mechanical stimulation with a device capable of generating a vibratory stimulus characterized by certain parameters.

By appropriately setting the two main parameters of vibrotherapy - amplitude and frequency of vibration – and the application site, vibrotherapy can produce well-defined effects in the body. 

High-frequency mechanical vibration (usually in the range of 7 to 15 Hz) applied to the chest area, causing its walls to oscillate, can facilitate the flow of mucus toward the central airways, thereby facilitating expectoration of sputum and can be used to minimize retention of lung secretions and maximize oxygenation. It has been shown that they can reduce dyspnoea and improve lung function.

Positive effects of vibrotherapy on the lungs – research yields results

W krajach rozwiniętych wibroterapia stała się popularną techniką rehabilitacji płuc z długą tradycją. Gdy  w Australii postanowiono sprawdzić na dużej grupie praktyków, co myślą o tej metodzie, kwestionariusze rozesłano do fizjoterapeutów zajmujących się pacjentami z chorobami układu oddechowego w 95 losowo wybranych szpitali publicznych w całym kraju. Odsetek odpowiedzi na kwestionariusz wyniósł 81 proc., a zdecydowana większość badanych – aż 96 proc. – przyznała, że stosuje wibroterapię, po prostu widząc jej efekty.

Jak przekonują badacze, właściwie stosowana wibroterapia wspomaga wydalanie plwociny, ale może też poprawiać krążenie krwi w płucach, zapobiegać zastojowi żylnemu, rozluźniać mięśnie oddechowe, poprawiać napięcie mięśni całego ciała i wzmacniać mięśnie oddechowe, aby wywołać odruch kaszlu.

Na korzystny efekt wibracji mechanicznych połączonych z wentylacją podczas ćwiczeń, od dawna zwracali również uwagę lekarze zajmujący się rehabilitacją pacjentów z mukowiscydozą.

