Vibrotherapy – effective in supporting varicose vein treatment

Vibration (15-45 Hz) of the sole of the foot serves to significantly increase peripheral and systemic blood flow, as well as improve peripheral lymphatic flow and venous drainage.

How does it work?

The mechanism of the beneficial effect of therapeutic vibration in the treatment of varicose veins is believed to be the direct effect of vibration on the state of the muscular blood vessels. Under the influence of vibration, venous pressure increases and effective blood flow pressure decreases, suggesting the dilation of resistance vessels - small, highly muscular arterioles that are crucial in maintaining adequate blood pressure.

When and for whom?

Vibrotherapy can help people who have a genetic predisposition to varicose veins and are at risk due to: sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, obesity, foot and posture defects, a history of deep vein inflammation, pregnancy, childbirth, a history of hormone treatment, advanced age, female gender, performing heavy physical work while standing, habitual constipation, use of hot baths or sauna abuse. 


The effectiveness of vibration comes from activating the skeletal muscle pump, which helps transport blood against the forces of gravity - from the lower extremities to the heart. Thus, the volume of blood contained in the stressed veins is reduced.

Benefits of vibrotherapy

No side effects

Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners

Perceptible effects from 1 treatment

Long-lasting effects through systematic use

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Varicose veins - symptoms

Varicose vein complaints develop slowly, but not asymptomatically. Initially there is swelling, a feeling of heavy legs, restless legs syndrome, numbness and tingling, and cramps. Visually, on the other hand, the so-called spider veins can be seen. Over time, however, bluish-colored dilated vessels may appear, which take on a pattern of wide, twisted, unsightly tubules, which may be accompanied by lymphedema.

Varicose veins and treatment

Varicose veins are a condition in which veins become dilated, tortuous and can lead to painful symptoms. There are several treatments for varicose veins, and the effectiveness depends on the severity of the condition. Nevertheless, it is always best to consult a doctor to determine the appropriate treatment plan. Here are some general recommendations that can help treat varicose veins:

Lifestyle changes: Regular physical activity: Exercise, especially those that engage the leg muscles, can help improve blood circulation. Avoiding prolonged standing or sitting: If possible, try to avoid holding one position for long periods of time.

Dietary changes: a diet rich in fiber: Fiber can help maintain a healthy weight and improve bowel function. Salt restriction: Too much salt can promote fluid retention, which can aggravate varicose vein problems.

Compression therapy: Wearing compression stockings: Special compression stockings can help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling.

Pharmacotherapy: Anti-inflammatory drugs that can help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with varicose veins. Anticoagulant medications, which in some cases the doctor may prescribe anticoagulants to prevent complications.

Medical procedures: Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a substance is inserted into varicose veins to cause them to close. Laser therapy uses laser light to close dilated blood vessels. In advanced cases, surgical intervention may be required.

Teleangiektazje (pajączki naczyniowe na nogach)

Teleangiektazje, znane również jako pajączki, to małe rozszerzone naczynia krwionośne, które mogą występować w pobliżu powierzchni skóry lub błon śluzowych. Ich średnica nie przekracza 0,5 do 1 mm. Mogą rozwijać się w dowolnym miejscu na ciele, ale często są widoczne na twarzy wokół nosa, policzków i podbródka. Mogą również rozwijać się na nogach, szczególnie na górnej części uda lub poniżej stawu kolanowego czy wokół kostek. Zlokalizowane na nogach często towarzyszą ukrytemu refluksowi żylnemu (wstecznemu przepływowi krwi) lub „ukrytym żylakom”.

Vibrotherapy and support for varicose veins and prevention

Although research is currently being conducted into the effectiveness of vibration for the prevention of various conditions, including circulatory problems, there are several potential benefits that vibrotherapy can bring in terms of prevention. However, it is worth remembering that it is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting any therapy, even a preventive one. Here are some possible benefits of vibration for prevention:

  • Stimulation of circulation: Systematic use of vibration can promote overall blood circulation, which can counteract problems associated with blood stasis, especially in the leg area.
  • Improving blood vessel elasticity: Vibration can help increase the elasticity of blood vessel walls, which is important for maintaining healthy blood flow.
  • Muscle stimulation: Vibration can help maintain muscle strength and elasticity, which can have an impact on overall cardiovascular health.
  • Reducing edema: Vibration can aid lymphatic drainage, which in turn can help reduce swelling and maintain a healthy fluid balance in the body.
  • Preventing blood clots: Vibration can help activate muscles, which can counteract the formation of blood clots.

It is worth noting, however, that the effectiveness of vibration for prevention depends on a number of factors, such as individual health conditions, age and lifestyle.

