Vibrotherapy – an effective method for neck and shoulder pain

Vibrotherapy can quickly improve mobility in the shoulder joint and reduce pain in patients with an immobile and painful shoulder, giving it an advantage over conventional therapeutic methods.

How does it work?

Lack of physical activity or poor posture can lead to overload changes in the neck and neck area, followed by degeneration, injury, inflammatory changes and diseases that manifest as pain.

Vibration stimulates both superficial and deeply localized pain receptors, raising the pain threshold in the long term, resulting in less pain.

Vibrotherapy also does a great job of reducing the inflammatory response and promotes muscle strengthening.

When and for whom?

Vibrotherapy of the neck, nape and shoulder girdle is recommended for problems with blood flow in the carotid arteries, restrictions in the mobility of these areas, painful conditions in the neck and nape, dizziness and balance disorders, tension headaches, and chronic stress conditions.

The method also relieves overload neck and neck pain, often occurring in people who do repetitive work in a sitting position, such as at a computer.


Just one vibrotherapy treatment for frozen shoulder syndrome resulted in a 30% reduction in pain and increased shoulder range of motion.

Benefits of vibrotherapy

No side effects

Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners

Perceptible effects from 1 treatment

Long-lasting effects through systematic use

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Neck pain

Neck pain, or upper back pain, in terms of incidence, ranks second just behind back pain and affects about 33% of the population. Women are particularly prone to pain in this section of the spine, as they have a weaker muscle corset in the neck, and therefore worse conditions for its stabilization.

Vibrotherapy for frozen shoulder syndrome

Frozen shoulder is characterized by soreness and limitation of elevation of the affected limb and external rotation of the arm in the absence of radiological changes. It is a disease that causes tissue degeneration, thickening of the joint capsule and reduced volume of the glenoid cavity. The disease is divided into three stages: severe pain; gradual restrictions in range of motion with pain; cessation of pain and recovery of full range of motion. In a scientific study on the effectiveness of vibrotherapy in treating frozen shoulder syndrome (LINK), Indian researchers noted that vibrotherapy reduced shoulder pain by 30% and increased the shoulder’s range of motion after just one treatment session. In addition, a comparison of range of motion (flexion, extension, external and internal rotation) before and after one vibrotherapy session also indicated the beneficial and rapid effects of vibrotherapy.

