Vibrotherapy - an effective treatment for arthritis

Vibrotherapy promotes stabilisation and minimises the symptoms and consequences of osteoarthritis by, among other things, reducing the inflammatory process of the joint and the self-perception of pain.

How does it work?

Vibrotherapy is an effective neuromuscular workout that uses mechanical vibration at different frequencies to stimulate cyclic muscle contractions to improve muscle function and proprioception, which improves joint mobility and function for patients with arthritis.

When and for whom?

Vibrotherapy appears to be a more appropriate form of treatment for arthritis than resistance training, and is also safer for people who cannot perform high-intensity exercise. Vibrotherapy has been used extensively in various clinical trials, such as those related to osteoporosis, fibromyalgia or osteoarthrosis of the knees.


The use of vibration by older people with knee osteoarthritis, reduced inflammatory factors (in plasma) in these patients, significantly improved balance, gait speed and functional performance.

Benefits of vibrotherapy

No side effects

Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners

Perceptible effects from 1 treatment

Long-lasting effects through systematic use

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Osteoarthritis (OA)

OA is a slow and progressive disease characterised by the degradation of articular cartilage and subchondral bone. This leads to the development of an inflammatory process (release of cytokines and other endogenous mediators of the inflammatory response). The ongoing inflammation is responsible for further complications in OA, such as proteolytic digestion of articular cartilage. The disease manifests as pain and stiffness (reduced mobility) of the joints and a wide range of radiological changes. Symptoms of knee osteoarthritis can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Knee pain is one of the most troublesome symptoms of arthritis. It can be moderate or severe and can occur both during physical activity and at rest. People with knee osteoarthritis often experience joint stiffness, especially after prolonged periods of rest. Reduced ability to bend and straighten the knee joints is another characteristic symptom of arthritis. Sounds such as crackling or popping in the knee joint can accompany movement and are often a sign of cartilage damage.

Causes of knee osteoarthritis

Knee degeneration is a common orthopaedic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Although these degenerations are often associated with ageing, they can also occur in younger people for a variety of reasons. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms and available treatments for knee degeneration. Causes of knee degeneration:

Ageing: The process of ageing is the main cause of knee degeneration. As the body ages, the articular cartilage that protects the bones from wear and tear can wear down and reduce its elasticity.

Obesity: Overweight and obesity are key risk factors for knee degeneration. The extra strain on the knee joints can lead to accelerated wear and tear of the articular cartilage.

Injuries: Sports injuries, car accidents or other injuries to the knee joints can damage the articular cartilage and lead to degeneration.

Heredity: A tendency to knee degeneration can be hereditary. If there is a family history of the condition, there is a greater risk of it occurring in offspring.

Treatment methods for knee osteoarthritis

Treatment of knee osteoarthritis depends on the severity of the condition and the individual patient's needs. Here are some commonly used treatments for knee osteoarthritis:

Physical therapy: Physical therapy treatments including vibration therapy can help to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint and improve range of motion, which can provide relief from arthritis.

Pain medications: Painkillers, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can help relieve pain and inflammation.

Steroid injections: steroid injections into the knee joint can help reduce inflammation and pain.

Supplements and diet: Certain supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, can support joint health. A healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight also play an important role.

Surgery: In cases of advanced knee degeneration, surgery such as arthroscopy, knee replacement or osteotomy may be required.

Vibrotherapy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Vibrotherapy is a method of physiotherapy that helps to treat osteoarthritis of the knee. This therapy uses vibration to stimulate the tissues and muscles around the joints. When dealing with knee osteoarthritis, vibrotherapy can have many benefits. Vibration stimulates blood circulation around the knee joints, which ensures that more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the damaged tissues. This translates into accelerated healing and regeneration of joint cartilage. Vibrotherapy also helps to increase the strength of the muscles around the knee joints. Stronger muscles affect joint stabilisation, which is important in cases of arthritis. Weak muscles can lead to additional stress on the joints. In addition, vibration directly affects pain receptors and reduces the discomfort experienced. This can help patients to improve their quality of life. Vibrotherapy simultaneously relaxes the muscles and stimulates the joints, leading to an increased range of movement in the knees. This can be particularly beneficial for people who experience joint stiffness. Vibrotherapy helps to reduce inflammation in the knee joints. With arthritis, inflammation causes damage to the articular cartilage, so reducing inflammation is very important. By speeding up the healing process of damaged tissues, vibrotherapy helps patients return to physical activity and daily routines faster. What is worth noting is that vibrotherapy can reduce the need for painkillers. Thanks to its beneficial effect on pain and inflammation, vibrotherapy can significantly help reduce the need for painkillers.

