Vibrotherapy helps treat fibromyalgia

Vibrotherapy has been proven to have beneficial effects in treating pain of various origins, including fibromyalgia.

How does it work?

Vibrotherapy helps alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia by reducing pain, improving muscle strength and body balance, improving cardiorespiratory fitness or through relaxation effects.

When and for whom?

We recommend vibrotherapy with Vitberg RS to patients suffering pain of various origins, including those diagnosed with fibromyalgia.


Properly parameterized therapeutic vibration as a substitute for physical activity and a stimulus that stimulates neuromuscular transmission has a beneficial effect on pain, fatigue, quality of life, balance and disability index, providing a promising method for the natural treatment of fibromyalgia.

Benefits of vibrotherapy

No side effects

Action confirmed by scientists and practitioners

Perceptible effects from 1 treatment

Long-lasting effects through systematic use

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Fibromyalgia disease

Fibromyalgia affects 3-10% of the population. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia often takes many years, as the disease has uncharacteristic symptoms. In the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, the patient is asked about experiencing pain, fatigue, sleep problems, cognitive disturbances and various somatic symptoms, such as irritable bowel syndrome, dizziness and sun sensitivity. The most common symptom patients go to doctors with is muscle and joint pain spreading throughout the body and a feeling of stiffness in the body occurring in the morning. The number of symptoms in fibromyalgia sufferers is sizable, and they do not have to occur all at once. The main complaints right next to the pain are chronic fatigue, sleep disorders causing lack of regeneration of the whole body, dizziness and migraines. Patients also complain of chest pain, palpitations, a feeling of shortness of breath, stomach complaints or metabolic problems. All of these symptoms are also symptoms of other diseases, and since fibromyalgia is diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms alone its diagnosis often takes years. Patients are very often treated as hysterics and hypochondriacs, finding quite a few obstacles in their way to a correct diagnosis.

How to diagnose fibromyalgia

Since virtually everyone affected by fibromyalgia suffers differently diagnosing this condition in patients is very difficult. In addition, fibromyalgia can occur alone or with other conditions. The basic conditions that entitle a doctor to make a diagnosis of fibromyalgia are the type of pain. It must be extensive, appearing in all parts of the body and lasting at least three months. The second condition is tenderness in the so-called pain points. The doctor must find pain or tenderness in at least 11 out of 18 characteristic points on the patient's body. This is a condition that is slowly being abandoned although some doctors still consider it a necessary condition to confirm fibromyalgia. In addition, a very thorough questionnaire is conducted with the patient and a series of basic tests are conducted to rule out other conditions that accompany or may give similar symptoms to fibromyalgia.

Causes of fibromyalgia

The causes of fibromyalgia are not fully understood and defined. The disease itself has been linked to chronic stress and traumatic experiences. Fibromyalgia has also been linked to post-traumatic stress disorder, i.e. PTSD. Patients also link the appearance of symptoms of the disease to the recovery from a viral infection of various types. Often fibromyalgia is accompanied by various autoimmune diseases, but also rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease. The disease itself has been linked to abnormal pain sensation, and central sensitization, or overexcitability of pain-conducting structures in the spinal cord and brain, appears to have a significant impact. The existence of a triggering factor that causes fibromyalgia also seems important. Fibromyalgia has been linked to stress, so the cornerstone of treatment is the introduction of a calm lifestyle and adjusting daily activities to your body's capabilities. Properly implemented treatment and making the necessary changes in daily rituals usually leads to a reduction in the symptoms associated with this disease.

Fibromyalgia treatment

Pharmacological remedies only help to reduce the complaints that occur, not cure fibromyalgia. The best therapeutic effects are achieved with antidepressants, while there is little or no effectiveness with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or opioids. It seems that an essential in the treatment of fibromyalgia is a change in lifestyle, the introduction of relaxation techniques and calm exercises of moderate intensity, such as yoga, tai chi, aerobic exercises. Physical treatments such as cryotherapy, phototherapy, mud packs, electrotherapy or vibrotherapy can also be of great benefit. Properly selected painkillers can provide relief, but will not eliminate the cause of the ailment. The key in the treatment of fibromyalgia is not to eliminate the symptoms, but such a form of comprehensive care for one’s body that, prevents the onset of pain and other ailments. By taking medication, changing one’s lifestyle accordingly, using diet, relaxation methods and properly selected physical therapy, one can negate symptoms and make them disappear for a certain period of time. For more on chronic pain and how to combat it, see the article: chronic pain – relief and treatment.

Fibromyalgia symptoms

Symptoms of fibromyalgia include chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, insomnia, impaired cognitive function, headaches (including migraines), mood disorders, as well as somatic symptoms such as gastrointestinal or genitourinary disorders. The full spectrum of symptoms is rare, while in every case fibromyalgia is responsible for a significant reduction in quality of life, often even preventing normal functioning. The emerging pain and feelings of chronic fatigue in this disease are very troublesome, if we add to them the deteriorating condition of the patient often resulting from the misunderstanding and downplaying of his feelings by doctors and those around him. Added problems with concentration, lowered mood and drug states do not make it easy for patients to function on a daily basis.

Fibromyalgia vs vibrotherapy

Objawy fibromialgii są wyjątkowo uciążliwe i mogą w znacznym stopniu obniżyć jakość życia. Chorzy na fibromialgię pacjenci odczuwają kłucie, szarpanie lub palenie mięśni, często opisują też sztywność ciała i obrzęk stawów. Przewlekłe zmęczenie, obniżenie nastroju i problemy z układem trawiennym. Takie objawy choroby powodują że zdiagnozowanie fibromialgi często trwa bardzo długo co wydłuża czas wprowadzenia odpowiedniej terapii. Leczenie fibromialgii polega głównie na łagodzeniu dokuczliwych objawów i znalezieniu sposobu funkcjonowania chorego tak aby pojawiały się one ponownie. Istotne znaczenie obok farmakoterapii i aktywności fizycznej ma fizykoterapia. W fibromialgii obok krioterapii i balneoterapii pomocna jest również wibroterapia, podnosi ona częstość akcji serca i pobór tlenu, co może przełożyć się na poprawę wydolności sercowo-oddechowej w dłuższym okresie czasu. Wpływając na układ nerwowo-mięśniowy poprawia równowagę i stabilizację ciała. Wibroterapia również redukuje odczucia bólowe i poprawia sprawność psychiczną przez podniesienie witalności pacjenta. 

